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I wonder. There are so many agencies and institutions that express care and pity to the elderly. They promote their business and collect funds from the benefactors. But I and my friends and many of whom I met, the elderly, the unemployed, had no place to live, no relatives, no social security for their lives, never once touched by their institution. In fact, we really need it. Therefore, by groping and try and error, I try to make this blog, to visit you all. I want to tell you all that we are here, need your generous helping hand. Not Talk Only No Act (NATO)

But ifyou want to try for help us, 
Here we are
Bank Pemerintah Daerah Jawa Timur (BPD JATIM) Rek Num 0142324733 behalf of SUWARNO
phone seluler +6285851373358


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DoneThis blog

This post originally appeared on the  iDoneThis blog . A community is a group of people who have gathered around a  shared idea, value, concept, or interest . What people sometimes forget is how  a community is also an ecosystem of supportive productivity  in which people connect to help each other solve a problem or accomplish goals. Your community can help you get stuff done. This stands true whether you’re thinking of community as part of your personal life or in  relation to your company . Our recent work with  to strengthen their leadership in the “sharing economy” (or “collcon” space) is just one example of how the  care, passion, and dedication of a community can enable and inspire its members to create value together . In converting their highly-trafficked blog into an international media site with 30 global contributors, we found that community members can actually produce on behalf of the company. By creating a structured content strateg

Berbahagialah mereka yang memperhatikan orang yang lemah

Perhatikan Orang Lemah Topik :  Belas Kasih Nats : Berbahagialah orang yang memperhatikan orang lemah! Tuhan akan meluputkan dia pada waktu celaka ( Mazmur 41:2 ) Bacaan :  Mazmur 41:2-4 Anda mungkin pernah mendengar sabda bahagia Yesus dalam Khotbah di Bukit ( Matius 5:1-10 ). Berikut ini adalah "sabda bahagia" dari Perjanjian Lama yang kurang dikenal: "Berbahagialah orang yang memperhatikan orang lemah" ( Mazmur 41:2 ). Kata dalam bahasa Ibrani yang diterjemahkan menjadi "memperhatikan" sesungguhnya berarti "memikirkan orang lain". Sedangkan yang diterjemahkan menjadi "lemah" sesungguhnya berarti "mereka yang membutuhkan". Ada banyak orang yang membutuhkan di sekitar kita. Mereka membutuhkan kasih, pengharapan, dan pengetahuan akan Allah. Meski tidak dapat menyelesaikan semua permasalahan mereka, kita dapat menunjukkan kepedulian kita. Kita mungkin tak punya banyak uang, tetapi kita dapat memberi diri kita. Kita